We’re very sad to announce that our greatest supporter, Stephen “Titty/The Titman” Titter passed away last week after a very brave and hard fought fight.
We are heartbroken for his family in Melbourne, but equally as grateful that our last hurrahs together were as hilarious and inspiring as they had always been.
Titty always championed our music, he sold cds, he told Rockstars we were their equal or better (he believed in us before we even believed in ourselves). We just had to have him appear on a couple of tunes as our way of saying thanks, he felt included and he was and will always be.
Titty gave his time, love and sense of joy to anyone that needed it, what a beautiful attribute that is!
We have several plans in place to continue to pay tribute and appreciate the love that The Titman always made the time to give, he was our one in a billion, a true inspiration and we’ll miss him dearly forever more…
As he would say “just play the fucking thing!”

Mr Stephen Titter, the absolute strongest dude I knew, and best mate anyone could ever have in their lives. So grateful for the times we got to spend, including the last time a couple of weeks ago, where we were bantering and hanging out almost like nothing was any different. I will never know how you did that with what you were going through, but I hope it helped even just a little bit. RIP old mate!!!
– Chris Szkup

My dearest cousin, the person in this world aside from my kids and parents that I am the most alike…an understated champion of people, he had the charisma and he looked and lived like he was was rock n roll! I will never be as cool as him, and chances are most of you reading this won’t be either.
The past couple of years have been a real bitch for me, with so many tragic losses of life in my family. Titty was there for me as always to offer his care and support, his unusual way of looking at the world and still finding reasons to smile every day, to not only fight…but to make it count, that has been simply nothing short of inspirational.
Over the years we have worked on some pretty exciting recordings with The Feckers, Titty would be as excited about anything that we had going on as Chris and I would be, we will always walk with gratitude in our hearts because he was so caring and dialed in. I can only hope that he knew just how much we appreciated it, so much so that we had to have him sing with us on “So What?” and “Hate The Hate”. 2 of our heaviest songs, as he loved his metal to kick ass (as much as he loved Motley Crue and Duran Duran). It was a true pleasure to share the mic with Titty. to sit here now and hear his voice is nothing short of wonderful.
Just being in his presence, one could not feel anything other than to be happy to be around him…no matter how long or short the visit, it was always time well spent regardless.
I don’t make too much of a habit of telling people that I love them, but thanks to Chris we were able to have a lovely video chat a couple of weeks or so before he passed, and that was my final words to him…I am glad we were able to express freely what we felt about anything in life, we were more like brothers.
Chris and I have made some plans to celebrate the life of Titty, he was well respected, well loved and appreciated. He definitely made his mark in the world and we are all far better off for it….
– Richard Anderson